Wynne-Jones IP celebrates ‘exceptional’ results in training academy’s first successful year
By HR Team onLynn Kirbyshire, Elsie Strachan, Nicola O’Donovan and Natalie Crean based at both the firm’s Cardiff and Cheltenham offices, recently celebrated passing the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) exams. The firm achieved a 100% pass rate in its first year of running the new CIPA curriculum in-house with Natalie Crean receiving the CIPA Brown prize for one of the highest marks in the country.
Dr Elliott Davies also passed his final exams and is now a qualified European Patent Attorney (EPA) and Chartered Patent Attorney (CPA).
While technical assistants Christina Schiavone, Ed Thien, Rebecca Quiney and Grace Mason-Jarrett passed a number of their Final Diploma and Foundation Certificate exams; Christopher Hotchen passed all five of his Foundation Certificate exams.
Training academy leader Vicki Strachan said she was delighted with the “impressive results” particularly as the training academy marked its first successful year.
She said:
This has been a great result for the hard-working team who have dedicated themselves to enhancing their skills within the firm.
"To see these exceptionally high marks and pass rates across the board is really a credit to them and the academy scheme. We are delighted for them and look forward to watching them grow within the firm.
We are particularly pleased with the results, as this is the first year the academy has carried out the CIPA administrators’ exams under the new curriculum in-house at Wynne Jones IP.
To have achieved a 100 per cent pass rate in its first year is a huge achievement and something we are rightly proud of.”
The Wynne-Jones IP Training Academy has been developed to train trainee attorneys in IP law and business management as well as assisting support staff in their continued professional development.
It focuses on providing trainees and support staff with first-hand experience across the firm by following an internally developed scheme that aims to get the best from each individual whilst ensuring consistently high quality and comprehensive training for all staff.