News & Events about IP just for you

Training Academy Celebration

Training Academy Impresses with Results

Ten flourishing staff members have achieved ‘exceptional’ exam success in Wynne-Jones IP’s first successful year of running their training academy.

How lack of data may have cost a pharmaceutical giant billions

With 2015 sales of US$1.6Bn and 2017 projected sales of US$2Bn, Bristol-Myers Squibb’s (BMS’) anti-cancer drug dasatinib (Sprycel®) is highly successful and of great interest to competitors. A February 2017 decision from a Technical Board of Appeal at the EPO (European Patent Office) has resulted in the patent covering dasatinib being revoked. But why?

Trade Mark Strategies for Social Media Campaigns

Social media is now an integral part of everyday life –something which brand owners have been quick to recognise. As a result social media has fast become a vital part of any marketing strategy, for consumer products in particular, with many phrases, straplines and brands being devised specifically for targeted marketing campaigns using media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Should we try to trademark an X / Twitter #hashtag?

Social media has become an integral part of marketing strategy for consumer products, with many phrases, straplines and brands being devised specifically for targeted campaigns and used with a hashtag. A hashtag is simply a way for people to search for conversations on X / Twitter relating to a particular topic. Brand owners who want to generate a buzz on Twitter around their brand can run a campaign for people to use a particular hashtag when discussing their product or business, making it possible for clever marketers to use phrases or words as part of a particular campaign. But in a highly competitive world how does a brand owner protect the effort put into such campaign branding? And, if they protect it, how do they control it?