Three dimensional (3D) trade marks have featured prominently in the news in recent years due to the coverage given to some of the world’s biggest companies, which have achieved great successes and failures in relation to registration in equal measure. Gareth Jenkins and Don Pennant at leading intellectual property firm Wynne Jones IP, discuss why an investment in a 3D trade marks can provide unparalleled commercial benefits and industry success. However, caution is advised, and any potential owner should thoroughly research previous cases before making any application, so that a clear and realistic expectation of the scope of rights obtained can be considered.
Establishing a strong brand is pivotal to business success and protecting that brand is equally important. A brand’s intellectual property rights may include copyrights, trademarks, patents, and more.
Wales is a hotbed of great brands. In a regular series of blogs, we take look at some of the best brands in the Welsh food sector.
Take a look through this selection, and feel free to get in touch with any big brands you think are missing.
The IP profession can often prove to be stressful. Long days, complex legal issues, client-based challenges, and working to strict deadlines can often take its toll on the mental health of attorneys and support staff in this environment. At Wynne-Jones IP, we recognise that which is why we’ve branded 2024 our ‘Reset Year’ where our Charity and Social Committee have turned their intention to creating a working environment that makes wellbeing easy, encouraging physical health, good nutrition and mental wellness.
The 13th to the 19th May 2024 marks Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. The theme for this year is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health.” On their website, the Mental Health Foundation
Throughout history, we have witnessed periods of significant technological advancements that have revolutionised society. We are now in the age of information, biotechnology, and the renewable energy revolution. We are witnessing, and will continue to witness, massive leaps forward in technology bringing with them significant social and cultural changes. This is all happening at a speed never seen before.
Intellectual property professionals from across the continent came together in Faro, Portugal last week to share knowledge, know-how and best practice at the annual AIPEX CC meeting.
Throughout 2023, Wynne-Jones IP supported local charity, Cheltenham Open Door. Over the course of the year our active Charity & Social Team organised fundraising events and donation rallies to enable the small, independent charity to provide much needed support in the community.
We are delighted to announce a strategic partnership with CyNam to support and sponsor their mission to nurture cyber technology innovation in Gloucestershire.